The is a photo gallery of forest garden plants. It is organised along the lines of Martin Crawford’s seminal book Creating a Forest Garden, which mentions over 400 different species:
Other galleries show plants by function, individual forest gardens, and forest garden features. The purpose is to show what individual plants and different forest gardens look like, and what plants work well together.
The photos are all licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. This means that they can be shared and adapted, so long as attribution is given and it’s not for commercial purposes.
There is a spreadsheet of all the plants in Martin Crawford’s book, used to organise volunteers.
We’re aiming for four photos for each plant, including in order of importance: the whole mature plant, a close-up, a leaf, the flower, the fruit/nut seed, a young plant, bark, seedling etc.
If you are helping out with research, you’ll be given a range of plants to research. For each plant, send an email with the details using this link:
Tools -> Usage Rights -> Creative Commons
So, this is an example of the text for the Italian Alder:
Plant name: Alnus cordata
ID: 118
PFAF link:
Plant description: Upright nitrogen fixing tree, tolerates drier conditions than other alders. 25m x 8m.
## Photo 1 of 4
Alt text: Tall tree
Caption: Fully grown Italian Alder in leaf
Author: AnemoneProjectors
## Photo 2 of 4
Alt text: Close-up of bark
Caption: The speckledy bark of the Italian Alder
Author: Jake Rayson
Italian Alder
.1. Italian Alder full tree
.The image can’t be any more than 1400 pixels because we have limited space on the web server.