Minera Quarry, turned into nature reserve (turn the world into a nature reserve…)
Vicarage Meadows, Small White Orchid, Brecknock Wildlife Trust
Elan Valley East, Hammerbya palidosa, Bog Orchid
Oxwich Bay in July, Anacamplis pyramidalis, Pyramidical Orchid, great numbers
Kensig National Nature Reserve, nr Port Talbot, Liparis loeslii, Fen Orchid, pioneer orchid
Dyfi National Nature Reserve, Borth (hybrid hotspot)
Spiranthes romanzoffiana, Irish Ladies Tresses, extinct now in England, recorded for 1st time ever in Wales, July 2019. The talk of the orchid town!
Doesn’t occur in Europe: Wales, Ireland & North America
Orchid requires fungi to propagate because seed so small it carries no nutrients, needs symbiotic exchange with fungi
After the talk, I managed to talk with Sue’s partner Pat O’Reilly, author of Fascinated by Fungi. Short but very interesting chat about fungi. There’s a totally purple orchid in France that is only found by a certain species of Pine and Russula fungi. It doesn’t have any chlorophyll, and parasitises the relationship between the pine and the fungi. Fascinating.