Chestnut miso

White bowl piled high with pale miso

Like this but in Chestnut

How feasible is Chestnut miso? Fermented European food.

For some reason, I’m being drawn towards fermented foods: sauerkraut, kimchi, sourdough, miso. I like Japanese food generally (the vegan suff) and the pickles in particular, and I love miso, although I don’t know much about how to cook with it.

But soybeans aren’t a local crop, and I was wondering if you could make Sweet Chestnut miso? Apparently, you can. I found this article in Food Research International called Development of fermented chestnut with Bacillus natto: Functional and sensory properties. I am sorely tempted to try my hand.

Edit: Anthony emailed in to say

The article… refers to chestnut natto, which is another traditionnal Japanese fermentation made by B.subtilis, not kome-koji (rice+ A.oryzae) as it is the case in most misos.

Thank you Anthony 🙂